Treatment estimates are all-inclusive packages for you to plan and budget for care.


All surgery packages include the COHAT (comprehensive oral health, assessment, & treatment)

During a sedated assessment & imaging we may uncover unexpected problems beneath the surface. It’s best to budget up to $1000 while hoping to stop disease early

Our  pricing structure

We always discuss findings and treatment options for your dog or cat with you.

We never exceed an estimate without your consent.

Dental Exam


Recommended prior to a cleaning to answer questions, discuss care, and streamline appointments

Same day exam & procedure appointments available

Performed same day or during exam

Exceptions and extent of the bloodwork is based on age, health, and recent labs.

Pre- Anesthetic Bloodwork

$100 - $175

Essential Preventative Care
The level I package is essential to dental health. It’s the comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment, focusing on keeping your pet’s mouth healthy with essential preventative treatments. It includes professional dental cleaning, polishing, and full-mouth imaging to catch hidden issues before they become serious.  


Level I
 Cleaning & Assessment


Enhanced Support for Moderate Dental Needs
Building on level 1 This if for pets requiring additional surgical and therapeutic needs up to 12 necessary extractions, minor enamel repair & some restorative techniques such as bone grafting. Even a couple small loose teeth that come out often require this additional care and pricy medication to limit the risk of others needing extraction down the road.   

Comprehensive pain management, from local anesthetic blocks to take home medication is included. Post-op imaging and a follow-up dental recheck to ensure your pet is healing comfortably are also included.


Level II
Fundamental Surgical Care


Specialized Treatment for Severe Dental Conditions
Our Level III package addresses complex dental challenges such as extracting canine and carnassial teeth, up to 25 less complicated extractions, as well as additional restorative and preventative long-acting medications. This tier ensures your pet receives the most comprehensive care for significant dental health improvement. 


Level III
Complex Surgery and Advanced Therapies


Extensive Intervention for Critical Cases
"This is our most intensive service, designed for pets needing near or complete full-mouth extractions due to conditions like feline stomatitis or severely advanced oral disease. It’s incredibly rare that a pet will require this without advanced notice and visible outward signs on initial exam. 

We use specialized surgical techniques to ensure maximum comfort and comprehensive pain relief, helping your loved one recover and heal as best as possible for a longer and better quality of life.  

Level IV
Extensive Surgery & Therapy


Other Considerations

Dogs greater than 100lbs will incur an $80 additional fee due greater needs.  

Bone grafts, long-acting antimicrobial gels, and some other specialty services with significant costs on our end may be offered. We will discuss the benefits and limitations if we think there is any indication to use them. They typically are the cherry on top and not always necessary, depending on the circumstances.